The Pros and Cons of Living The Player Life
Living the player lifestyle is definitely fun, but it’s not all sunshine and rainbows either. There are pros and cons to it just like most things, but most guys don’t understand what it actually takes to fuck a variety hot new chicks on the regular, so I’m going to talk a little bit about the pros and cons of it.
Let’s start with the pros.
- Freedom
One of the best things about living the player lifestyle is the freedom it allows you, you can live life on your own terms by not being attached to only one chick and having a monogamous commitment to her which 99.9% of chicks will expect and demand. You are free to go and come as you please and free to fuck as many hotties as you possibly can. All you can eat, it’s up to you. How many different kinds of booties do you want bouncing up and down on your cock. Freedom is awesome, not having to deal with the emotional bullshit of relationships is too.
2. Variety
Variety is the spice of life, as men we are born to spread the seed far and wide. We all want a variety of chicks to fuck in our lives. Deep down we want to fuck as many hotties as possible and when you live the player lifestyle you can do this if your logistics and game are good enough. You can experience the full platter, a new girl for each day of the week if you really go hard. Variety is amazing and I definitely love banging new chicks on the regular. I’m 32 years old and I’m far from bored with it. I’ve come to the conclusion that as long as my sex drive remains intact my desire for banging hot new chicks will not go away. So fuck it, I’ll embrace variety, it’s great.
3. Motivating
According to the mainstream media “Men live longer when they settle with women”. I’m very skeptical of this since I can see from observation most men let themselves go to shit when they get comfortable in a relationship and it makes a lot of sense because one of the main reasons to stay in shape when you are single is to attract the opposite sex. However when you are committed in a monogamous relationship you resign yourself to the fact that you will not be hooking up with other women, therefore a lot of men just let themselves go as do women. It’s not surprising that the mainstream media would push this shite because we are living in a gynocentric society in which everything is in the favour of females. “The feminist goal is removing all constraints on female sexuality while maximally restricting male sexuality” – Roissy. When you are single and constantly looking for new females to fuck you are much more inclined to hit the gym and dress well etc. Stay motivated by living the player lifestyle, your are far more likely to become the best version of yourself when you don’t have a ball and chain holding you back.
4. Exciting Sex Life
This is obvious but it must be said. When you are in a monogamous relationship with the same woman for an extended period of time it is inevitable that the sexual desire you have will dry up for that partner. For each man and woman the time frame will be different for the lifespan of the honeymoon phase, but one thing is for certain it absolutely will dry up, and no it doesn’t matter how hot the chick is. A big part of the appeal of sex is the taboo of it, and once you are in a monogamous relationship and have done every kinky, dirty sex position imaginable, innumerable times, there is absolutely nothing taboo about it. The spark will eventually die. It’s a cold hard truth, but a truth nonetheless, all the chains and whips and sex toys won’t really change the fact that you have gotten used to the pheromones, taste, touch etc of your partner. This will be the case even if the girl is your ideal 10/10 at the beginning of the relationship, the sex will still eventually become boring. I’m not saying that you won’t be able to get an erection for your partner even when its boring, although that could happen to some men. The boredom will be most noticeable in the regularity of the sex, you won’t feel the excitement in your heart and brain even if you are hard as a rock. When you live the player lifestyle, your sex life will always remain exciting because each new girl will have different tastes and pheromones, it will always remain taboo to fuck a new pussy. I’m a pussy hound and proud of it.
5. Embracing Your Basic Male Instincts
When you live the player lifestyle you are basically doing what every straight male on the planet actually wants to do deep down whether they admit to it or not. Every single straight male wants to fuck lots and lots of hot, sexy, smooth, silky, naughty, feminine chicks. When you live the player lifestyle it feels extremely liberating just to say ‘fuck it’ I’m going to unapologetically embrace living the player lifestyle. Fuck what this shit western gynocentric society tells me what to do. I’m going to be an unapologetic womaniser while it’s still legal to do so. With the way things are going in this world it wouldn’t surprise me if they tried to criminalise cold approach. Fuck these tyrannical bastards. I’m going to live free and I’m gonna take this opportunity to apologise to absolutely nobody for it. Embrace being a hot blooded male that loves sexy as fuck women. It’s fucking splendid.
Now for the cons
- Time Wasters
There is one thing that is for certain about living the player life no matter how good your game is, you are still going to run into time wasters and flakes. It’s just the nature of the beast. For example this week alone I had three bitches flake on me. For the average man this would be very disheartening and he would be likely to give up. However as an experienced player I know that it’s the nature of the beast and that next week I could bang three new girls as long as I get back up on the horse and source new chicks. But still I cannot deny that having your time wasted is extremely annoying. One thing you will learn when you live the player life is that the vast majority of females do not respect your time, even the ones that you can end up banging. This is why it’s very important to have rules and boundaries in place so that you don’t get walked over or even worse start acting like a beta orbiter with some bitch that has absolutely no respect for your time. In saying all that you cannot safeguard against all eventualities. A lot of chicks these days have absolutely no qualms about cancelling, postponing, changing the date and time or all of the above 5 minutes before you were supposed to meet. With each situation it slightly varies, in some cases the disrespect is terminal and there will be no redemption so delete the contact and move on. In less severe cases if there is a valid excuse given there can be some compromise and the meeting can take place and a successful notch can be added to the count. For example if a girl postpones the date because she was “feeling unwell” 5 minutes before the date was supposed to take place this is fairly high up on the disrespectful chart. Obviously if she was really feeling unwell she could have let you know much sooner. So an appropriate punishment for this disrespect would be for the date to be changed from coffee shop to Netflix and chill. There will be no compromise on this one. If she doesn’t comply then boom baby good luck with your life. Next.
2. Becoming Jaded
As any experienced player knows rejection, flaking, ghosting getting stood up is part and parcel of the game. If you want to be having sex with new women on the regular it is guaranteed for every girl that you fuck you will have lots that will have wasted your time or rejected you. It is what it is, I want to be fully transparent. Guys wanting to get in on this lifestyle need to know that you not only need to become the best version of yourself to maximise your strike rate but you need to be tenacious in your pursuit of women. “Don’t chase women, chase excellence” – Richard Cooper. Nice sentiment, you should chase excellence, but if you want to smash new hot women you will absolutely need to be the one approaching and sourcing them. So with all this rejection and flakiness it is inevitable that you will become jaded by female nature, sometimes it all becomes very tiresome. What keeps me wanting to remain a player is the successes. The successes make all the bullshit that you have to deal with totally worth it. So although dealing with the worst aspects of female nature will make you jaded, the successes should outweigh the negatives. So while you shouldn’t pedestalize the pussy, the pussy is fucking glorious.
3. Each Fling Has a Shelf Life
When you are genuinely living the player life you will come to realise that each “relationship” you have with your girls will have a shelf life ranging from one night stands to a couple of months, at the very most maybe a year. You could extent it depending on how much you want to, but the more time you spend with one girl the less you really are about that player lifestyle. If one bitch is getting most of your attention that will cock block you from sourcing and banging other girls. This is why I will only meet any one of the girls I am seeing not more than once a week at the very most. Any more than that and it will interfere with hooking up with new girls. Depending on your personality type this could be a positive or a negative. Some men develop emotional bonds with some of the girls they see. There is no shame in that but there is no doubt about it that it will definitely inhibit your ability to live the player lifestyle when you are wanting to spend more time with one particular girl. So decide what you want and go for it. If you want to be completely free you will have to keep a certain distance between you and your girls.
In Conclusion
Personally living the player lifestyle outweighs being in a monogamous relationship by a long shot . I will be 33 years old in September and I still have absolutely no desire to be in a monogamous relationship as of now and I find it hard to imagine myself being in one anytime soon. Having sex with hot, sexy, feminine delicious girls is just far too much fun, it’s too dam pleasurable. Some people criticise my lifestyle when they compare it to an addiction like a drug addiction. The difference being that sex does not negatively impact my health and life as long as I exercise caution i.e wearing protection etc. It’s actually the most common criticism from guys and girls in boring long term relationships “Oh you’re gonna have so many STDs!” like with everything there is risk but I’ve been living this lifestyle for years now and god only knows how many chicks I’ve banged and I’ve never been healthier. Wrap up the glove and you should be good to go.