The Importance of Having a Regular
Ah the ol regular. Not having any regular girls will give you the dreaded dry spell. Nobody likes a dry spell that’s why you must maintain at least one regular to live the player lifestyle.
If you don’t have any regulars you are susceptible to getting yourself into a sexless rut! Again absolutely nobody, especially no hot blooded male wants to find themselves in a sexless rut. A sexless rut will distract you from the work you have to do as a man, which is GET SHIT DONE aka make money and be productive. You need a fucking regular and you need to find one quick so that you can free your mind from thoughts of desperation. One average bitch can set your mind free to be productive and on top of that will make it easier to source other hotter girls.
Having just one regular will help your game out in many ways. Don’t get too picky about your regular if you are in a sexless rut! Because the deeper you find yourself in the rut the harder it will be to get out of it. Plus you can add to your regulars or let some go once you get the right momentum. That is the reason you shouldn’t get too picky about the chicks if you haven’t had sex in a long time. It’s IMPERATIVE to get the ball rolling because nothing disgusts women more than a man on a drought. They can smell it off a man.
Women want to have sex with men that are already having sex. It’s about preselection, they percieve a man that is already having sex to be of higher value than a man that isn’t. It’s ALL about perception. Women wanna get with men that other girls want to fuck and other guys want to be. Preselection is insanely powerful, when I’m walking around Tokyo alone I get fuck all IOI’s from girls, however when I am walking down the street or sitting in a cafe with a hot girl, it’s absolutely amazing how many eyes I get from girls!
That’s female nature guys, it’s strange, it’s annoying as fuck, but it is what it is. Just accept it and do what you need to do to get laid. Their nature ain’t changing anytime soon. It ain’t fair that the guys already getting a lot of sex will get even MORE SEX simply because they are already having sex with various girls, but guess what this fucked up world ain’t fair. Learn game and fuck these hoes, because being a nice guy and playing by the rules that lefty cucks and the mainstream media tell you to play by will NEVER get you laid. Accept the world for what it is and adapt like a savage.
But seriously, getting the ball rolling with a girl that you wouldn’t want to be seen with let alone date is better than going sexless for long periods of time. Trust me I have slayed a few dragons in my day and I’m not ashamed to admit it because I’ve always added some super hotties to my rotation and had countless one night stands with some really hot bitches while having some average as fuck regulars. Regulars will help your inner game and give you that confidence that cannot be faked. From the cold approach to closing and having sex. Your game will just be better if you are already having sex on a regular basis.
The thing about having a regular, any old regular that you can call up and arrange to have sex with anytime is that it gives you inner peace and assurance. There will be something innately less desperate, frustrated and angry about your presence when you are gaming other girls. Girls will subconsciously know that you are a guy that is getting laid and they will like that. They will dig your vibe and they may even wanna suck you dick or let you raw dog them on the first date (not sexual advice). My point is even if you have any ol regular that will make it a lot easier to find other girls too.
Guys start running into a lot of trouble when they find themselves without any chick to come around for sex. One week without sex turns into one month! “Holy shit! I haven’t had sex for a month” the thirst will set in, then it’s already two months. anger and resentment will set in, you will start to dislike women and feel left out…. Three months “God DAM! Fuck my life”. you might even get a few dates during this time but your thirst will make it harder to close, such is the cycle of frustration. It’s definitely a very annoying and extremely frustrating cycle for men to get themselves into.
That is why you need any old regular to kill the frustration and butt hurt vibe you will give off your sexless self on dates. Any ol regular will help you score the hotter girls. See your regular as a stepping stone, as savage as that may sound. But guess what, it is what it is! Females are just as ruthless if not more ruthless in the current sexual marketplace.
Get the fucking ball rolling and find a regular guys